Party Machine is the ninth episode of season 1 of "My Life as a Teenage Robot."
The episode was produced in 2002 and premiered worldwide on November 22, 2002 in Australia and on Nickelodeon in the United States on September 5, 2003.
Jenny and Brad's secret party is a hit, but between keeping the party-goers under control, keeping the house in one piece, and keeping a group of tiny multiplying aliens from invading Earth, Jenny has her hands full.
Home Alone
Party Machine (2002) begins with Dr. Wakeman leaving for a vacation. However, as she passes Jenny's room, she notices it is a total mess, and scolds Jenny for it, threatening to unpack.
Jenny protests against this, and Wakeman says that she can't leave Jenny alone to stop the annual Minutian invasion if she is so irresponsible. However, Wakeman changes her mind after Jenny points out that she's defeated the Minutians on her own before, so why wouldn't she be able to do it again?
Wakeman takes Jenny about back, to the precise spot where the Minutians will land at 6:00 the following morning. She gives Jenny the SUX Containment Unit, a vacuum-like device that sucks up all of the Minutians. Jenny places the SUX in a safe place, and Wakeman leaves, reminding Jenny: "6 AM, sharp!"
The Party
Just as Wakeman heads out, Brad shows up at the house for the party to throw while Wakeman is away. Just then, Tuck comes to help Jenny and Brad set up the party. However, Tuck's help is unwanted, as it is an "adults only" party. This greatly upsets Tuck, and he grabs the phone, threatening to call Wakeman if he can't stay. Jenny accepts, with Brad assuming that Tuck will just fall asleep anyways.
Some time later, the party is in full swing. However, Jenny is having a hard time cleaning up after everybody's messes. Brad insists that Jenny just relax and have fun, and shoves her into Don Prima, whom she has a massive crush on.
Jenny and Don talk to each other on the sofa, and this cheers her up. Meanwhile, a group of partygoers are playing with a hacky sack, but a hard kick sends it flying into a bowl of punch. The hacky sackers find the SUX, and start using it as their new hacky sack. Jenny notices this and slaps Don Prima away in the process, and also the hacky sackers, to keep the SUX safe.
Brad calls Jenny out, and she realizes her mistake, rushing to Don Prima's aide. Through more accidents, the SUX keeps being thrown around the house, hitting Tuck in the head and knocking him out. After a while, Jenny asks Brad what time it is, to which Brad checks his watch: 5:58 AM.
This sends Jenny into a panic, and she begins trashing the whole house in search of the SUX. She ends up forcing everybody out as a last-minute resort.
The Minutians
Just as Jenny kicks all of the partygoers out, the clock strikes 6 AM. The Minutian's ship lands, but the SUX is still nowhere to be found. Brad, not knowing how dangerous the Minutians really are, stomps them out with his foot... only to be beaten by the Minutians, and sent flying.
The Minutians begin multiplying rapidly, flooding the whole house. The two teens take refuge in Jenny's room, where they find the SUX. On Jenny's signal, Brad opens the door, sending the Minutians flooding through the room, and right into the SUX. Upon defeating the Minutians once and for all, they find that the SUX also serves as an ACTUAL vacuum cleaner, as the house is now completely clean as well.
Another Happy Ending
Just as the Minutians are thwarted and the house is all clean, Wakeman returns home. She congratulates Jenny on her good work, and goes as far to allow Jenny to throw "that party she wanted to have."
Upon hearing this, Jenny and Brad pass out, given all that they've just been through. Tuck, however, is eager to set the Pin the Tail on the Donkey game back up. The episode ends here.
(door knocks and Jenny gasps)
Jenny: Mom's back! (pushes switch that puts house gadgets back) Hide!
- Like most episodes of the series, this episode premiered in a handful of countries before the United States.
- This episode premiered in Australia on November 22, 2002.
- This episode premiered in the United Kingdom on December 1, 2002.
- This episode premiered in Mexico on June 6, 2003.
- Don Prima makes his debut in this episode.
- The episode was in 50th place in the "Top 100 Greatest Moments in Nicktoon History".
- This is the second time that Jenny catches Brad, after It Came From Next Door (2002).
- It is unclear how Tuck knew Nora's phone number, as she was going on a trip.
- When Tuck was originally going to tell Mrs. Wakeman about the party, Tuck tells Mrs. Wakeman, "I just called to say I love you." This might be a reference to the song of the same by Stevie Wonder (1984).
- Jenny hosts a party again in Crash Pad Crash (2004).
Production Notes
- In the early production stages of this episode, it was originally titled "Lost in Space."
- Although this episode premiered in the United States on September 5, 2003, it was actually produced in 2002 according to the credits, as with every other season 1 episode.
- This episode was finished in August of 2002.[1]
- This episode (and every episode up to This Time With Feeling) was added to the United States Copyright Office on December 13, 2002.
- This episode was finished in August of 2002.[1]
- The first draft of this episode's script is dated June 26, 2002.
- The second draft is dated June 28, 2002.
- The script was finalized on July 2, 2002.
- The second draft is dated June 28, 2002.
- This episode's production code is 102-017.[2]
Party Machine / Speak No Evil (credits)